
Is Anxiety the Real Issue?

What is going on with anxiety?

Many people have symptoms of anxiety in their body – nervousness, pins and needles, social phobia, even panic attacks where they feel like they might die – yet they are not aware of consciously worrying about anything! Sometimes there is a “conversion reaction” going on when unconscious fears are manifesting directly to the body.

So, the problem isn’t going to solved by simply being told, “Don’t worry” or “Stop worrying” or “it’s all in your head, change your thinking and you will change”.

Cognitive and conscious methods of treatment often will not work and you need to get to the root cause and deal with the unconscious aspects- but more about that later.


The list of symptoms of anxiety is rather long. It also includes:

• A heightened startle response
• Sweating in specific situations, such as driving a car
• An urge to flee that is not appropriate for the situation
• Distress and panic in social situations
• Physical sensations such as burning, itching, crawling, or prickling
• Difficulty speaking or moving the mouth
• The feeling of something being stuck in the throat
• Inability to think clearly
• Impaired memory with no medical explanation
• Muscle tension or tremors
• Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
• Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
• Nausea or stomach aches.
• Racing thoughts and a pounding heart

Anxiety and Past Trauma

Trauma and anxiety are closely related, as individuals who have experienced traumatic events often develop symptoms of anxiety. Traumatic events can cause intense stress and fear, which can disrupt a person’s sense of safety and security. This can lead to feelings of constant worry or nervousness, known as anxiety.

According to Judith Richards, inventor of the Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) therapy, anxiety is not the issue, but rather a symptom of a person feeling unsafe (1). How could this be?

Is your subconscious mind still trying to process events already over and should be “filed away”?

Trauma can cause a replaying loop in the subconscious mind of an individual because the traumatic event often leaves a deep emotional imprint. When a person experiences a traumatic event, their brain processes it in a way that can make it difficult to fully process and integrate the experience.

As a result, the traumatic memory can become “stuck” in the person’s mind, causing it to replay over and over again. This can be especially true when the traumatic event was especially intense, life-threatening, or prolonged.

People experiencing these symptoms are usually not aware that the distressing events are stuck in their subconscious, causing their body and mind to constantly feel unsafe. This can still result in so many of the distressing symptoms mentioned above.

Why not investigate further?

Trained TRTP practitioners use a short but effective 3 step process which in many cases completely resolves the issue of underlying trauma for people allowing them to move forward in life with greater confidence and renewed energy.

The method is gentle and safe and avoids retraumatizing, without the need to speak at length in detail about all past distressing events. More importantly it has been shown to achieve amazing results in less than one month, sometimes quicker.

Is TRTP for me?

Read our blog about TRTP. You can find out if this method is suitable for you by taking advantage of a complimentary 20-30 minute discovery phone call- booking here



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