Therapist Profile

Maria Zuiddam

Qualifications and Certifications:

B.A. LLB. HH Dip (A.Th.) HH Prac.(Coun)

Currently undertaking Masters of Counselling

TRTP Practitioner

Art Therapist


Life Coach

Other Training:

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy)

TFT  (Thought Field Therapy)

NLP  (Neurolinguistic Programming)

EP (Embodied Processing)

RTC (Root Cause Therapy)

About Maria

Originally from a legal background, Maria worked for over 30 years as a divorce lawyer/ family law specialist, helping people pick up their lives after separation.

During her time as a lawyer and business owner, Maria took a keen interest in and formally studied a range of behavioral sciences, wanting to get to the root of the problems of broken families and broken people.

Maria is passionate about helping people to start over or start a new life and resolving personal issues. 

She helps people break free from chronic cycles of anger, rage, depression, anxiety or pstd, and reach their potential as the better version of themselves.

Maria’s Special Interests:

• Helping men and women who have been recently separated/divorced

• Adults recovering from childhood abuse/neglect/scapegoating

• Survivors of domestic violence & trauma-based mind control

Online Australian and International Therapy Service:

All confidential individual sessions are held online, and Maria welcomes new clients from all parts of Australia as well as clients from : New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada, United States & South Africa.

About Mind Renew

Transformation starts with the renewing of the mind.

Renewing the mind is not always achieved by affirmative self -action, or conscious talk therapy methods when there has been trauma and trauma imprints that cause unhealthy patterns and triggers.

Traditional counselling methods, although useful in many ways, often fail to achieve outcomes for clients that have unresolved past trauma of any kind, even after many months or years, because trauma is not stored in the conscious mind and the unconscious mind will often “highjack” conscious attempts to improve oneself.

The latest neuroscience reveals an intricate relationship between the body, unconscious and conscious mind.  New ways of seeing the mind/body relationship lead to new ways of approaching healing.

Unresolved trauma is most often trapped in the body and unconscious mind and therefore needs to be resolved by modalities that speak to those areas of the mind and body to bring it back its natural healthy state.

Just as quickly as trauma set a person into a lifetime of bad programming, it can just as quickly be resolved with a newly rewired mindset.

We are wired to heal ourselves and are more empowered than we know.  

Speciality Areas

  • General anxiety, depression or stress
  • Post- traumatic stress disorder
  • Unhealthy addictive behaviours
  • Unresolved trauma from child abuse
  • Unresolved trauma from sexual abuse
  • Unresolved trauma from domestic violence
  • Regaining confidence after separation
  • Corporate wellness/performance enhancement/business coaching

Need Help?
Book a confidential, complimentary consult with Maria:

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